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Directions to the Chapel Benefit Shop at the Carmel Valley Community Chapel:


From Hwy 1 Northbound or Southbound

L (from the North) or R (from the South) on Carmel Valley Road

R on Paso Hondo

R on Village

Chapel is on the R


From 101 Southbound 

R Exit at Laurel Exit in Salinas

R on Laurel

Immediate L on Davis

L on Reservation (past Blanco)

R on Hwy 68

L on Laureles Grade 

L on Carmel Valley Rd.

R on Paso Hondo, R on Village

Chapel is on the R



From 101 Northbound

R Exit on Sanborn Exit in Salinas

R on Sanborn

L on Laureles Grade

L on Carmel Valley Rd.

R on Paso Hondo, R on Village

Chapel is on the R


The Chapel Benefit Shop is at Carmel Valley Community Chapel on the corner of Paso Hondo & Village Drive in Carmel Valley Village.

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